Five Best Tech Programs to Consider for Any SME


Technology has come a long way in recent years, and it’s enabled businesses to streamline their processes, expand their offerings and connect with their customers more efficiently. If you’re operating an SME, these are five of the best programs you should be using to make your business more efficient.

HR Software

HR platforms are becoming increasingly popular and with good reason. Software such as cezanne HR is beneficial to companies of all different sizes, but especially for smaller businesses. The reason for this is that HR software can assist business owners with such a wide variety of tasks, from recruitment and administration to payroll, scheduling annual leave and alerting managers to the number of sick days an employee has taken. The more your staff use the programme, the less time they’ll need to spend on administrative tasks, which frees them up to work on more important projects.

Customer Relationship Management

CRM software may look complicated, but you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to use and also how beneficial it can be to your company. It’s a database of everyone your company does business with, from prospects to customers, vendors and suppliers to partners. An effective CRM system will help you to integrate your calendars and email lists with the right data, so you can work effectively on marketing campaigns and create workflows. Once you’ve started using a CRM, you’ll wonder how you managed without it.

Managed Service Providers

Well-managed service providers will make sure that your data is secure as much as possible and will also provide you with better internal security tools too. This means your applications can be safely accessed by your team from any device, from anywhere in the world, making remote working easier. Many businesses rely on managed service providers that make for reliable, accessible and high-performance work to be achieved with ease.

Cloud Accounting 

Most vendors are switching the cloud-based systems which means if your accounting application is situated on your server, it won’t be for long. In return for the switch, your business will benefit from quicker support, technical services and also easier integration with other systems. Modern cloud accounting apps make invoicing, storing receipts and creating reports incredibly quick and easy, while also providing remote access for employees who don’t work from the office.

Expense Automation 

Before applications, it was standard practice to scan an invoice or document and file it away. But now, businesses can extract data from these documents, whether it’s a travel document or an invoice from a vendor and put it into a format that makes it easy to review and import into an accounting application. From saving time to improving accuracy and cutting out overhead costs, SMEs should consider adding expense automation to their wish list of programs to help make expense-related tasks quick and simple, and to free up extra time for working on other more pressing tasks.