How to Clean Each Type of Flooring the Easy Way


When cleaning your house, you would often do a general sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping of the floors. Cleaning your floors this way is great for general, everyday cleaning, but it does not get rid of the dirt that piles up on the surface and in the nooks of your floorboards.

Floors are notoriously dirty. They catch all the falling dust and debris from the air, and we tend to track dirt from outside when bringing in our shoes. If you have pets or children, then your floors may have the occasional accident, scratch, or prints as well. Floors need to be cleaned often to maintain a pristine home.

However, there are many different types of flooring, and each material would have a different method of cleaning and disinfection. In this list, we’ve gathered the different ways you can clean your floors based on each type of flooring. Never again will you have to second guess whether you’re cleaning the correct way!

1. Carpeted Floors: Professional Carpet Cleaning

For carpets and rugs, your best bet in completely cleaning them is to wash them. Washing rugs is relatively easier than washing carpets, as rugs are not adhered to the floor, and they can be washed in the laundry machine. However, carpets will require professional cleaning and shampooing instead.

Carpets are adhered to the floor using an adhesive, which may dissolve when submerged in water too long. Your carpets may lose their grip to the floor, causing bubble spots and uneven patches. Shampooing your carpets professionally would ensure your carpet fibers and the adhesive aren’t damaged, as professionals have the tools and knowledge to execute cleaning.

For a thorough carpet cleaning, look no further than Luce Cleaning Company, which provides all-around cleaning services to homes and businesses across Singapore. Give your carpets a refreshing look with a yearly professional cleaning!

2. Natural Stone Floors: DIY Marble Cleaner

You may have heard that marble and other natural stone floors do not fare well with commercial cleaning solutions. This is usually because of the harsh, acidic chemicals used in common household cleaners. Acids, even mild acids such as vinegar, cause etching on natural stone, which eats away at the material.

Instead, make your own floor cleaning using castile soap, a few drops of essential oil, and warm water. Mix 2 tablespoons of castile soap in a liter of water, and add no more than 10 drops of tea tree, lavender, or other essential oils. Use this solution to safely wipe or mop your stone floors clean without fears of etching or damage!

3. Disinfection: Steam Disinfection

As we’ve mentioned, floors are notorious for being dirty. Disinfection is a must, especially when tracking shoes indoors. Get rid of the germs, bacteria, and viruses through a proper disinfection. However, not all floors can be disinfected with a bleach solution, alcohol, or commercial disinfectant as these solutions may cause damage to the floor material.

Steam cleaning is a great way to disinfect your floors without the potential damage. You can steam clean almost any modern floor material: from wood to carpets, and even vinyl flooring. Grab a steam mop, and disinfect while you remove stains at the same time! Steam cleaning also kills off mold, mildew, and other microorganisms from tiles, carpets, and textured floors.

4. Wooden Floors: Homemade Floor Shine

Wooden floors need a proper shine every once in a while, and a combination of olive oil, white vinegar, and water would do the trick! Mix two tablespoons of olive oil, a tablespoon of white vinegar, and 2 cups of warm water together. Add some essential oils of your choice for fragrance, but this is optional.

After giving your floors a good sweeping and mopping, apply the homemade floor shine using a soft cloth, wiping a little bit at a time. The vinegar cleans the nooks and crannies of your wooden floors, while the oil seals the surface and keeps the wood from drying out. Let the solution dry.

5. Tiled Floors: Baking Soda for Grout Cleaning

Tiles floors have the most common place for mold and mildew to grow: grout! To clean grout, you can use a soft toothbrush, and set a day to scrub out all that mold and mildew growth. But you can also go the hassle-free way with some vinegar and baking soda!

Vinegar and baking soda creates a powerful cleaning paste that will kill off those mold colonies without the need to forcibly scrub them away! For natural stone floors, use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda instead to avoid etching. Simply create a paste, and apply directly to mold spots. Let the paste dry, and wipe the stains away!