How to promote your MMA classes via email marketing


If you’re looking to pack your MMA classes with eager students, email marketing could be your secret weapon. It’s a powerful and personal way to connect with your audience, share your passion for martial arts, and, of course, fill those training mats. So, let’s dive into the octagon of email marketing and learn how to promote your MMA classes effectively.

Build and segment your mailing list

To assemble a loyal army of students and potential prospects, you’d need to target the right people and build a mailing list accordingly. Your aim should be to collect email addresses from your existing students and website visitors. 

What’s more, is that you can also use social media and in-person events to encourage people to sign up for your newsletter. Make it easy and enticing, but don’t just stop there! Only some of your subscribers are the same; some might be interested in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, while others prefer Muay Thai. 

Keeping the uniqueness of your customers in mind, segment your email list based on interests, experience levels, or location, as this allows you to send highly relevant content to each group.

Create compelling content and use automation

Once you have fully understood the interests of your potential audience and successfully constructed a mailing list, you can get started on the fun part: The content! Craft engaging and informative emails that showcase the value of your MMA classes while sharing success stories, training tips, and updates about upcoming events or promotions. 

It would be best if you used a mix of text, images, and videos to keep things exciting and appealing to the audience. Utilize fitness email templates to make your emails seamless and professional, and feel free to tweak them as per your requirements. 

To ensure that your content is uploaded at the right time, set up automated email sequences to welcome new subscribers, nurture leads, and remind students about upcoming classes or special workshops. Automation saves time and ensures no one slips through the cracks. 

Entice with exclusive offers

Everyone loves exclusive offers and good deals, so try to send exclusive promotions or discounts to your email subscribers to instill the worth of your email marketing campaign. 

You can offer a free trial class, a discounted membership, or early access to special events in your exclusive emails. Rest assured, it’s a powerful incentive to get people through the dojo doors.

Share instructor insights

Your instructors are the heart and soul of your MMA classes and precisely the thing people will be interested in, so try to leverage that to the best of your ability. 

Let the expertise and scope of your coaches and instructors shine bright in your emails. Share their stories, expertise, and training philosophies, along with their merit and any certifications or tournaments they may have won, to add credibility. 

Providing your audiences with the instructor’s information can help get them excited about your MMA classes and approach you for signing up, so take advantage of such a lucrative opportunity.

Highlight student achievements & encourage referrals

Try to celebrate your students’ victories, both big and small, with your subscribers and let them know the new heights they are reaching in an attempt to get their interest. 

Feature their achievements, belt promotions, or competition wins in your emails. It’s a great way to foster a sense of community and inspire others to join your classes.

Word-of-mouth is a powerful marketing tool, and with satisfied clientele, it can be your best bet at marketing your MMA classes. Incorporate the power of WOM marketing by encouraging your students to refer friends and family by offering referral bonuses. 

However, keeping email marketing in mind, send referral program details via email only and watch your classes grow through the power of recommendations.

Optimize for mobile

Only a few people read their emails on their laptops; it is the last resort for such mundane tasks. Instead, many people check their emails on mobile devices. 

To ensure that you are reaching almost all available potential target market segments, make your emails mobile-friendly and easy to read on smartphones and tablets. A seamless mobile experience keeps your audience engaged.

Use analytics and personalization

Use email marketing analytics to track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. This data will help you understand what’s working and what needs improvement. Feel free to adjust your strategies based on these insights.

The power of personalization should be noticed and should be carefully employed in your emails. By using your subscribers list, address your subscribers by their names and tailor your emails to their preferences. Personalization shows that you care about their individual martial arts journey.

Stay consistent

Consistency is vital to maintaining your audience’s interest. Stick to a regular email schedule, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Your subscribers will come to expect and look forward to your updates.

Remember, email marketing is all about building and nurturing relationships, so try to be genuine and make sure to highlight the best aspects of your MMA classes. Aim to market your strong suits and show off your USPs to get everyone interested in your classes. 


Don’t forget to add a touch of personalization in your emails to let your readers feel the email is curated specifically for them. Happy promotions!


Written by: Raahim Jamshed