How you can motivate yourself to exercise more often?


It can be really hard to keep up with your exercise regime and stay motivated, especially if you have a lot more going on and are struggling to find the time. Here are some tips to help keep you on track.

Invest in home gym equipment: It is easy to skip your usual gym session when you have to drive over there in traffic or get on a busy bus but if you have your own equipment at home then there is no excuse. You can get some great quality home gym equipment online varying from racks and weight benches to dumbbells and kettlebells. Or gym mats and treadmills if you have enough space so you can do some basic workouts in the comfort of your own home.

Any exercise is better than none: If you are strapped for time or struggling for the motivation to complete a half-hour or full hour workout, that is okay. A 15-minute workout is still a workout! Squeeze in short bursts whenever you can, take the stairs instead of the lift, park further away from your destination or just do some basic stretches every morning as you wake up. Do not let yourself be put off by a lack of free time.

Track your progress: Whether your goal is to lose weight, get fitter or build muscle, the best way to stay on track is to track your progress. Make a note of how much more weight you can lift or how much longer you can run for, so you have written evidence of how much of a difference it is making. If you can see with your own eyes in black and white, you will feel more motivated to keep going and keep making even more progress. You will know that it is not all for nothing.

Do not beat yourself up: If you beat yourself up over every missed workout then you will start to lose your motivation altogether. If you criticise yourself too harshly you will just want to give up. It is okay to have an off day or cut your workout short if you need to! Do not let one setback or even a few setbacks keep you from your overall goal, as long as you keep trying and stay positive!

Join up with others: Make your workout a social occasion and get yourself a gym buddy. Arrange to go to the gym or go on a run together to make yourself less likely to miss it, if someone is waiting for you then you are more willing to push yourself when you may not feel like it. Exercise classes are also great because you can all motivate each other and act as cheerleaders, as well as having a professional instructor to guide you in your workout.

Get the gear: Buy yourself some proper workout clothes that are comfortable but also clothes you feel good in. If you are excited to get dressed for the gym then you will be more willing to go and show off your outfit!