Security Measures to Combat a Rise In Car Thefts Across The UK


Car theft continues to rise in the UK. Reports have stated that since the easing of COVID-19 restrictions across the country, thieves and organised crimes groups are out in force. Targeting our vehicles as the country re-opens. Taking advantage of the fact we are now travelling outside of the home once more, leaving cars sat in office car parks, on driveways and parked in city centres. Car theft is not only carried out by opportunists but also organised groups of criminals, targeting specific car brands, makes and models. Often setting their sights on a specific vehicle and stealing this to complete an order. With rates of car theft on the rise, FitMyTracker have offered some of their advice regarding security measures. Encouraging you to increase your vehicle security. 

GPS Vehicle Trackers

GPS vehicle trackers can be installed into most types of vehicles. Able to track the location of your car 24/7. The tracker will be used to alert you to the movement of your vehicle, particularly suspicious movement. Allowing you to access all of this important data from a mobile device. Providing peace of mind. With the use of smart GPS technology, some stats state, vehicle trackers will increase your chances of retrieving a stolen vehicle by over 80%. Increasing your vehicle security and reducing your chances of losing your vehicle to theft. A wide range of trackers can be purchased from a number of manufacturers for a variety of vehicle types. Including cars, vans, motorbikes, and fleet vehicles. With Thatcham approved certification, not only will installing a car tracker provide peace of mind and protection, but you may also notice a reduction in your insurance premiums. 

Car Immobilisers

Car immobilisers should now be a standard security feature within all cars. However, for some older vehicles, this may be something you need to consider purchasing. Able to immobilise your vehicle, stopping it from starting if the wrong key is used. Immobilisers act to stop thieves in their tracks. Before they can make a quick get away with your car. Once a thief has lost the time of attempting to hotwire an immobilised car, they will swiftly move on, in the hopes of avoiding being caught red handed. By installing an immobiliser to your car, alongside a vehicle tracker, your car will be fully safeguarded from opportunists looking to make quick money. 

Car Alarms

The perfect deterrent to scare off any potential car theft. Although a car alarm cannot physically stop thieves in their tracks, they will work to scare them away with the sound of a loud alarm. Often, this will also alert you to a potential break-in, giving you chance to notify the police and hopefully catch those criminals. Any loud noise, making a scene and drawing attention to the activity of criminals, is sometimes enough to prevent your car from being stolen. 

Physical Barriers

To completely prevent the total movement of your vehicle from your home, placing a physical barrier remains a popular security method. Tools and devices such as steering wheel locks, driveway posts and wheel clamps are tried and tested. These physical barriers are just as good as the latest technology in being able to stop thieves in their tracks! 

Wheel Clamps 

Wheel clamps can be attached to one or more of the wheels on your vehicle, completely immobilising it. Often these are placed on vehicles when they are to be left stationary for a long length of time. If you have a collection of vehicles within your possession, perhaps you are a collector of classic cars, a wheel clamp would be a great security measure for those vehicles you rarely drive. 

Driveway Parking posts

Not only will driveway bollards or parking posts work to prevent a theft from taking place on your driveway, but they can also protect your property from a range of crimes. Including ram-raid attacks on garages and vandalisms. As well as being able to prevent access to any unwanted or unknown vehicles.