Take a stand for your health with Varidesk


Varidesk offers different model offers that suit everyone’s working style, habits and shape. Standing desks help burn up to 50 calories per hour, when used for 4 hours per working day, that’s 1,000 calories per week, or 48,000-52,000, which is the same calories burnt as running over 18 marathons!

Varidesk offer a range of desks to suit everyone. Varidesk’s sit-to-stand desks allow you to go from sitting to standing throughout the day, quickly and easily. Using a standing desk can help you benefit from lower cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, whilst helping reduce and prevent pains from sitting all day. The desk lifts in under 3 seconds and is easy to do. It has an app which reminds you to stand through the day and can be custom set.

Weight Loss

Most people don’t realise that sitting at a desk all day can negatively affect your weight. On average offices workers put on over 8lbs in their first year of work, and also sit for around 16+ hours a day including commuting and watching television at home.

Standing desks  help to burn calories. Sitting for the full day can significantly slow your metabolic rate and can negate any workouts you do get in that day. Getting your blood flowing and increasing your metabolism is only a good thing. In terms of other options, we would recommend checking out the EZ Desk height adjustable desks, which can be found here.

Reduced Back Pain

Back pain often occurs from prolonged inactivity and sitting. One study has found that switching between sitting and standing throughout the workday can lead to a 54% reduction in neck and back pain. Also, 95% of standing desk users felt some relief from lower back pain within 15 days.

Heart Health

Your heart needs exercise, the right foods and spending less time sitting and more time standing lowers blood sugar, cholesterol and weight, which means a lower risk for heart disease.

Prices start from just £150 from Uk.Varidesk.com