What Is Dyspepsia



Dyspepsia is a type of stomach pain concentrated in the upper part of the stomach. The pain associated with Dyspepsia comes and goes depending on the severity of the condition. The best way to define dyspepsia is to call it a type of indigestion that causes discomfort in the upper middle part of the stomach. It usually happens after eating or after ingesting something in your stomach. 

Medical practitioners define Dyspepsia as a symptom and not a disease in itself. It can occur along with other conditions such as nausea or acidity.

Symptoms of Dyspepsia:

Any type of pain that is related to the digestive tract
Feeling too full or bloated
A burning sensation in the stomach area
Nausea and vomiting
Feeling like you’re full immediately after eating or drinking
Abdominal pain
Acid reflux
Excessive burping

Keep in mind that a person can experience these symptoms even if she or he hasn’t eaten a lot. Sometimes the burning sensation in the stomach can cause heart pain.

Causes of Dyspepsia:

It is common to have symptoms of dyspepsia when you have an upset stomach or some type of discomfort in the digestive tract. İf you have stomach ulcers, they can also cause dyspepsia. Especially for people with a history of acid reflux, symptoms of dyspepsia are typically present.

Other than this, medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics can cause side effects that manifest as irritation in the stomach.

Other common causes of dyspepsia include:

Excessive Smoking
Stomach Ulcers Or Peptic Ulcer Disease
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease And Gastroparesis 
Stomach Infections
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Thyroid And Liver Disease

In some rare cases, pregnancy can also cause dyspepsia depending on the trimester of the pregnancy. Another rare cause of this condition is stomach cancer.

Treatment for Dyspepsia:

The first and most common method for treating dyspepsia is changing the lifestyle of the patient, which includes the diet as well. Doctors suggest changing your diet to curb the symptoms of the condition.

Some of the common food restrictions are:

Avoiding fried food
Garlic and Onion

Other than this, changing your eating habits can also help; including:

Eating slowly
Eating smaller meals frequently
Maintaining your overall weight
It is advisable to wait for 3 hours after a meal before going to bed. 


If your dyspepsia symptoms linger for long durations or the pain is very severe, you can visit doctors for medication. However, be aware of the side effects of taking these medications.

The most common medications prescribed for dyspepsia include:

Antacids: They help curb the pain caused by acidity in the stomach and digestive tract. These medications can be found OTC and are meant to give you short-term relief from the pain and discomfort.
Antibiotics: these are only prescribed to people who have severe stomach ulcers and infections such as H. Pylori
Endoscopy: Your doctor will perform this medical procedure if your dyspepsia remains even after taking medications for 2 months or more.
