6 Ways You Can Make Your Own Tasty Coffee Beverage


If you are a coffee lover, then it is impossible for you to start your day without a good cup of coffee. However, there are times when you won’t be able to make it to your favorite coffee shop, whether the reason is you are late for work or you crave a cup of coffee late at night. This is why it is better to make your own coffee at home. You may think that there is no way a homemade coffee will be as good, but it actually can be. All you need is the right recipe and the right tools, and you will be your own barista in no time. Keep reading to learn about ways you can make your own tasty coffee beverage.

1. Buy Fresh Coffee Beans

It is best to use coffee within days of being roasted. In order to get the freshest beans, you should buy them from a local store and roast the coffee yourself. Buying coffee in bulk from the supermarket isn’t a good idea because the beans are exposed to oxygen and bright light, which ruins their flavor. That said, it is a safer bet to buy packaged coffee beans in vacuum-sealed bags. Don’t grind all your coffee beans at once; only the amount of coffee you are going to use for the day to keep your coffee as fresh for as long as possible. Don’t refrigerate your coffee beans as well. Storing them in an air-tight container will also help retain their freshness.

2. Buy a Coffee Maker

If you want to make delicious coffee just like the one your favorite coffee shop makes, then you should buy a good coffee maker. Depending on your preference, say, you prefer espresso, veterans advise coffee enthusiasts like you to buy an espresso machine from the many Espresso coffee makers on the market and choose the right one for you. Espresso machines are better than regular coffee machines because they offer a richer and creamier coffee experience and various kinds of coffee.

3. Choose Good Coffee

If you can afford it, buy specialty coffee that states the region and the state of origin on the package. This kind of coffee will provide a taste that is nothing like the commercial brands. Look for beans that are 100% pure because cheaper alternatives may contain beans that are harsh in flavor. However, if you don’t have the budget for it, there are good grocery store brands that are half the price and have the same effect.


4. Use Good Filters

Cheap filters can affect the taste and quality of your coffee; this is why you should opt for oxygen bleached or dioxin-free filters. If you want a more permanent option, then invest in a gold plated filter that is long-lived, as they are famous for delivering maximum flavor. You should know that unfiltered coffee is bad for your health, and if you are a heavy coffee drinker, then having a filter is essential. When shopping for filters, remember that you aren’t only buying one to make a good cup of coffee but to protect your health as well.

5. Use Good Water

In case you are wondering, there is actually good and bad water for coffee. Tap water is considered bad as it contains chlorine and off-flavors that can ruin your pot of coffee. Moreover, softened and distilled water can make your coffee taste terrible because distilled water doesn’t contain any minerals. The type of water you should use is bottled spring water or those from carbon filters on the taps. You should also make sure not to overheat the water as this will extract compounds in the coffee that are more bitter in taste than they are pleasant. The best water temperature is 200 degrees Fahrenheit or about 45 seconds off a full boil.

6. Clean Your Equipment

Are you aware that coffee beans have oils in them? You should wash your coffee pot every day, or the oil is going to stay and affect the coffee’s flavor. Unclean pot makes your coffee taste like it is burned due to all the oils left in it. In order to dissolve away any mineral deposits, run a strong vinegar solution through your coffee maker at least once a month. It is also safer for you to clean your machine’s filter in order to avoid water stains and bacteria.

For many people, coffee is a necessity, and it is like a drug that they can’t function without. However, having to buy coffee every day isn’t only bad for your budget but can also cause you inconvenience. Making coffee at home isn’t hard to do, like others think. Once you buy the right coffee and equipment and get the hang of it, you won’t need to make a daily stop at the coffee shop anymore.