Making your business recession-proof


The Great Recession nearly a decade ago has cast a shadow so wide over our collective economy that talking about it is still as painful as it was before. Sure, many businesses have claimed redemption since, but there are those who are still recovering or even those who have completely left the game, hoping for another chance.

Unfortunately, an economic fluctuation is an imprinted truth to every entrepreneurial journey big or small. It is a fact of life when running a business and can happen anytime without warning as we have just witnessed with the global shut down. On the flipside, as human beings we have the ability to learn from these frustrations and move on from them – we can thrive and emerge stronger than ever. With smarter more fluid models.

The question is – how does one ensure a business is recession-proof?

Myriam Borg, founder of Create Business Australia, a 100% home-based and portable small business, is a prime example of stepping into a proactive approach when it comes to setting up shop.

Twenty one years ago at age 29, tired and looking for ways to strike a good life-work balance, she founded an niche industry and business that she thought would give her the life she aimed for. The industry is called the Refund Industry – it is essentially what paves way for a lot of people to reclaim their lost funds that they didn’t even know existed. The fact is, only 5% of these unclaimed funds are reclaimed by the rightful person – a whopping 95% remains untouched held in trust by government departments. The legislation in Australia, New Zealand, the United states of America, the United Kingdom and in Canada has mandated transparency relating to billions of dollars in lost funds and assets, this is applied in the law of the relevant jurisdiction. Seeing the massive opportunity in this, Myriam founded Create Australia to teach people how to earn income with the same portable lifestyle she set up for herself.

Create Australia allows you to setup your own business as a refund consultant  with minimal overhead costs and low risk margins – the revenue is government based and so practically recession-proof. The flexibility of the Refund Consulting business program is designed around already existing systems – this means, you don’t manage people, you manage the system. In tough times, this is how you can future-proof your business because there is little human factor to consider. You only have to navigate the systems and remain compliant.

Another advantage of a model is that refund consultants already have an automated lead process to follow in order to get clients. There is no selling, and no merchandise which otherwise can mean an uphill battle given a recession. There is also no heavy marketing or advertising, just tried and tested systems in place to get your niche consultancy going.

In these uncertain times, it can be tremendously tempting to put out products for a quick sell. Instead of doing this, focus on one niche that brings immense value to your customers and clients in the form of a refund.  Create Business Australia is a program that offers you just that – the opportunity to direct all your attention to the refund industry and how being a refund agent can help people around you. If you make this the focal point of your business, you will become indispensable trusted adviser.

Create Australia is a refund business training program focused on the multi-billion dollar global lost money industry. It helps individuals build the life they want while helping others at the same time. The perfect platform for the times ahead.

Learn more on their website