Top tips for Londoners on how to exercise your senses


We all know that exercise is vital for our health. Whether it’s going to the gym, a brisk walk or busting out the moves in a Zumba class, getting our bodies moving and heart rate up is important. But what about our senses?

Our eyes and ears are just as important as our other organs and need to have a workout to remain healthy too. That is why Specsavers stores across London are encouraging people to exercise the vital muscles that help them to see and hear.

Do a crossword
It might not seem obvious, but mind puzzles can really help with hearing as they get your brain working and prevent brain cells and connections from shrinking or getting damaged.

Gordon Harrison, Specsavers Chief Audiologist, says: ‘Exercising your hearing can help keep it strong and it doesn’t need to be hard work. As the brain is an internal translator, you can improve its ability to distinguish sound by improving its functionality. That’s why mind games are a powerful tool in not only improving mental focus, but our listening too.’

Overload and filter
People with hearing loss can often find it distracting if they are in a loud and bustling environment. That is why practising sound filtering – where you hone in on certain sounds among noisy distractions – is important.

‘Exercising your ears using sound filtering will help to keep your hearing sharp,’ says Gordon. ‘And by doing this regularly it will help you focus on conversations even when you’re in a noisy space. The best way to practise is by overloading the room you’re in with different noises, perhaps turn the TV on as well as the radio, open the window and then ask a friend to walk around the room while speaking to you. Close your eyes while you try to hear what they are saying and from where in the room. This helps to strengthen your hearing as you’re relying on your mind rather than your sight.’

Put it into focus
More and more of us are stuck behind screens, particularly when working from home, which isn’t great news for our eyes. That is why it’s so important we allow our eyes plenty of rest to avoid eye strain.

Paul Morris, Specsavers director of professional advancement, says: ‘Our eyes are not designed to be fixated on a single object for a long period of time which is why they can often become strained when we sit at a computer all day. However, the ‘20-20-20 rule’ where you look at something 20ft away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes, can help.’

What about eye yoga?
Paul says: ‘While there are many rumours surrounding the idea that eye exercises will make your prescription glasses redundant, such suggestions are not supported by evidence.

‘Eye exercises, also known as vision training or natural vision therapy, have been popular since the 1900s when William Horatio Bates pioneered the Bates Method of blinking and focusing eye movements aimed at correcting vision. Modern variations of the method include eye massages and even eye yoga. More recently, smartphone apps claiming to use vision training to eliminate the need for glasses became available to the public.

‘Certain eye exercises can help improve your eye health and reduce strain, they can also help your two eyes work better together and are typically used as part of the management of issues linked to eye muscles.

‘Anyone can practise exercising their eyes, whether you already have an existing condition or have no vision problems at all. Each of these exercises aims to make the eye muscles more flexible and they are usually used as a way to improve focusing issues or conditions such as a lazy eye and in some cases those with learning issues.

‘However, it is important to note they will not correct eye conditions such as short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia) or astigmatism. They will also do nothing for cataracts, glaucoma or macular degeneration. If practised carefully and regularly, eye exercises may be able to help delay the onset of some conditions for some people.’

Whatever the issue with your hearing or vision, eye health or comfort your optometrist and audiologist will consider all our eye and hearing health needs so don’t forget to book that appointment for you and your family. For more information or to book an appointment visit: